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Sleepy Minot is the rage at the moment. The town has a population of around 50,000. 60 Minutes Australia and Marie Claire magazine visited the town in recent months. General James "Mad Dog" Mattis is the U.S. Secretary of Defense was there even in September.

Why the fuss? The U.S. Air Force 91st Missile Wing, and Fifth Bomb Wing are located in the town. The nuclear base has been brought to the forefront because of tensions with North Korea.

There are 150 nuclear-tipped rockets buried in the earth. If launched, they could wipe out a large portion of the population. Minot is one of the three nuclear missile bases in the United States (Replica Watches).

Clash outside of the Juliett-05 Nuclear missile silo

I'm in Minot, North Dakota to see the inside of one of 15 nuclear bunkers. Each bunker is responsible for 10 missiles. Then, we will have a briefing with the staff and the two missileers that will be taking over the current two. Generally, shifts last 24 hours. The replacements are First Lieutenant Damian Proctor, 25 and Second Lieutenant Matthew Ernst 28.

Next, we will take a van to the bunker. I don't need a blindfold. The bunker capsules, where the men who fire the missiles from are located, are 70 feet underground. And the silos,Patek Philippe Replica Watches which are the actual underground missiles that are stored and launched, are on public roads. But you wouldn't know what it was unless you had been briefed.

After a 45 minute drive through mostly farmland with Lieutenant Colonel Jamie Humphries from public affairs and First Lieutenant Richard Credicott another missileer we arrive at Juliett-01 bunker. Two nondescript buildings in tan are visible above ground. The two missileers are located in a capsule below ground. They remain on alert at all times, just in case the U.S. decides to use its nuclear weapons.

We are met by a armed guard at the gate of the fence on the perimeter, even though we know they are there. They ask for our IDs. After all the paperwork is completed, which includes many checks, we are given a tour of the above-ground facility. The kitchen is equipped with a chef and provides food for the missileers, as well as security personnel, during their shifts. For $2.95 I got a cola, a burger, and tater-tots.

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